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Raise Your Deaf Awareness

DEAFinitely T-shirts with initals in ASL.JPG

Deafness is not visible and Deaf culture is often unknown or misunderstood.


As a linguistic minority, the Deaf community has long faced negligence in communication access in all areas of life.


DEAFinitely opens up this access by generating awareness, education and action for communication equity in the arts for Boston’s diverse Deaf and hard-of-hearing community. 


Through Deaf awareness, led by our Deaf youth and adult mentors, diverse audiences of schools, families, and communities will learn how Deaf culture maintains a history of overcoming oppression, longstanding ASL storytelling transmitted across generations and many other shared cultural norms such as relying on the sense of touch and expressive body language.


Deaf awareness emphasizes that although some may view deafness as a disability, the culturally Deaf community views itself as a language minority who can do everything except hear.


Interested in arranging a Deaf awareness and basic ASL instruction for your students, staff, organization and/or community?  Contact us!



Deaf Youth Council Members talking about upcoming performance at Boston's Children's Museum in Boston, MA.PNG
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