Storytelling Saves Lives
DEAFinitely, Inc. and This is My Brave presented a groundbreaking production called Heart Truth - Mental Health Stories from the Deaf Community in Boston, Massachusetts.
This was the first ever live show featuring thirteen Deaf, DeafBlind, Deaf Disabled and Hard of Hearing storytellers who shared personal stories of mental illness and recovery in order to break down stigma, uncover access barriers in the mental health system, and celebrate resiliency. These true, personal stories were relayed through American Sign Language storytelling, art, and dance.
Looking for help? Click the link for a list of ASL Therapist and Mental Health Support List
Are you interested in becoming a Storyteller?
Are you interested partnering with us to produce a show in your community?
Your donation, big or small, helps us make this amazing show a reality. Find out how you can help sponsor this history making event! Use the Donate with PayPal button or contact us at